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Particles instancing and RBD Collision 2009年7月1日18:36

Hi guys!
I need to fill a RBD container (a box) with a lot of 3D letters which have self-collision and interaction. The letters must pile without overlap, with physical accuracy.
I've made the particle emitter and letter instancing but there is a big problem with the self interaction and collision to produce the “pile” effect.

Can you guys help me to solve this problem?

thanks in advance


Rigging my Character 2009年3月23日11:31

Man, 3D Buzz released a well explained rigging tutorial. Check this out.

http://www.3dbuzz.com/xcart/product.php?productid=71 [3dbuzz.com]


Adding extra parameters to Magnet/metaball deformations 2009年3月19日15:07

Hey Jesta!

I've studied your example and based in your network i've added my own SIZE attribute, driven by color info.

I like the effect! It seems like particles, uhm?
I'm amazed how easy is to make nice things in houdini

so, i dedicate this to you…my first procedural animation.

Thanks, man!

Rename the file extension with “.mp4”