Joab Souza


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Can I get the overall cook state easily? 2020年6月17日11:36

Unless you're seeing wrong information in the toolbar or in the TOP nodes, it is safe to assume the events are correct, as both relies on them. You might be running into data race issues, try using a lock around your code.

Can I get the overall cook state easily? 2020年6月16日13:23

Which version of Houdini are you using?

hython TOPs progress reporting . logs etc 2020年5月5日14:53

Hi again,

There is one other thing that might solve your problem, TOPs is actually using pdgd, and we have node called “Remote Graph” that allows you to connect to a remote instance, all you need is to make sure you have a pdgd server running on that instance.

If before you cook your PDG graph, you run this code:
import pdgd

server_manager = pdgd.DataLayerServerManager.Instance()

# The first parameter is the server type, the second
# is the port the server will listen, zero means the
# system will choose an available port
server = server_manager.createServer('DataLayerWSServer', PORT_NUMBER)

You then can use Houdini to attach to this instance and visualize the graph, in the `tasks` context, drop a remote graph node, set the host address and connect, the remote graph node will create a replica of the remote graph and display progress just like if it was a local graph.