Javier Santos


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Houdini 16 2017年2月7日17:17

I only miss one features in the stream of yesterday. In the Houdini Roadmap Presentation at SIGGRAPH 2016, at the end of the video he said something about having an output preview of each node inside the Shader building. However, in the presentation refers to a previwe indide the nodes of a COPs Network… It would be awesome to have some preview similar to Substance Designer.

Unfortunately we didn't have time to get the shader preview working as smoothly/quickly as we wanted, so we decided it was best to just leave it out for now. COPs are currently the only nodes that can support previews.

Thanks, so many improvements this time so this is insignifcant compared to the rest of them.

Houdini 16 2017年2月7日5:32

Hi all, I watched the live-stream yesterday and it was amazing! The new features makes this tool really awesome and it makes me think that in a couple of years, an entire workflow can be done entirelly inside Houdini, modeling, scultping, clothing, lighting, grooming, simulation, replicators (particles), rendering, terrain generation, compositing, etc…

I only miss one features in the stream of yesterday. In the Houdini Roadmap Presentation at SIGGRAPH 2016, at the end of the video he said something about having an output preview of each node inside the Shader building. However, in the presentation refers to a previwe indide the nodes of a COPs Network… It would be awesome to have some preview similar to Substance Designer.

Waiting to see the final version.
