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Houdini 14 Wishlist 2014年7月15日12:20

In order of importance (in my opinnion):

1. Physbam integration - http://physbam.stanford.edu/ [physbam.stanford.edu] (for simulation option 2 for fast simulation option)

2. Adaptive Tearing and Cracking of Thin Sheets - http://graphics.berkeley.edu/papers/Pfaff-ATC-2014-07/ [graphics.berkeley.edu]

3. Crowd simulation tool: http://golaem.com/ [golaem.com] . http://www.basefount.com/miarmy [basefount.com]

4. Vechile simulation tools: http://www.craftanimations.com/products/craft-director-studio/add-ons/vehicle-tools [craftanimations.com]

Sure these are already possible, but i think there could be faster options for simulation (and faster way to do these) when deadline is short and crowd simulation needs own tools (sure it is possible with current tools, but i think it needs more, i think same way from these other feature/tool requests).

Request: PhysBam Multi-physics integration (for option 2.) 2014年7月15日12:08

Sure Houdini's simulation tools are great. But i think there could be other options for simulations - and i think that this could be much faster simulation option than Houdini's own simulation engine.

PhysBam - http://physbam.stanford.edu/ [physbam.stanford.edu]

But it isn't that accurate than Houdini's simulation - so it is important to have this for option (if user needs to create simulation in short time then user should have option to change simulation to this multi-physics library)

-kind regards, Jumaku

Crowd simulation (feature request / wish) 2014年7月8日3:46

Crowd simulations would be nice to have inside houdini (something which could make possible to create people fight, cars traffic, air planes traffic, birds, flies, boats etc. - Sure this is already possible but could there be some real tool for this purpose in future. It would be very nice to have something similar than

MiArmy - http://www.basefount.com/miarmy/features [basefount.com]

These are pretty cool features:
Contact and Pin to kinematic object
Contact and Pin to other agent
Terrain Color Placement
flow field, force and fluid field,
Actions, Action Editor, Transition Map, Blending,
Miarmy Traffic Solution
Miarmy Battle Solution
Formation 2D/3D Control

or Golaem simulation http://www.golaem.com/ [golaem.com]

Btw. Have you seen this: http://youtu.be/pqBSNAOsMDc [youtu.be] Looks cool.
Here is more info: http://gamma.cs.unc.edu/DenseCrowds/ [gamma.cs.unc.edu]

-Kind Regards, Jumaku