Adekoye Adams


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Apprentice Renders Terribly Wrong 2016年2月11日21:47

hello why don't you post your .hipnc file?

New houdini blog! 2016年2月11日21:13

in what age did you had the touch with houdini 1.0 at a age of 10? you look damn young so maya didn't spoild so much *haha*

I was in grad school at the time! So that was 1996-1999. So I landed in grad school in my mid twenty somethings.

There were no VOPS…and there were no DOPS…actually POPs weren't even there…no Volumes….no ROPS either!!!

I had SOPs and COPs…and man it was great because regardless of what was not available…the user experience worked for me in regards to what we *had*

I remember being stupefied by the ability to render out sequences of geometry…things we take for granted today were mystical to many of us yesteryear…

CHOPs were confusing…now it isn't(most of it anyway)….but yeah the journey was deep and detailed.

Hscript was waaaay easier than MEL.(although python is intense for me…as in I can read it and follow along…but I have Kindle books, etc. for quick reference)

I was clueless to Renderman so I used Mantra…and it was NOTHING compared to what we have access to today.

even without all that I loved using Houdini.

So basically yeah I am back 20 years later and it is just amazing. I have a mac now(trashcan) and I can use the package to achieve a decent amount of complexity…but while I am reacquainting myself with DOPs…for the last few months its been all about upping my Vex/Vops game.

it is so nice to see Houdini in a incarnation where I always dreamed it would be.

My eternal gratitude to sidefx for maintaining my preferred vehicle of thought.

New houdini blog! 2016年2月11日18:03

Neat, it'll be interesting to see the perspective and insights of someone with your level of expertise and history with Houdini.

Hello Chronon!

It is a pleasure to connect with you.

the truth is I thought I was a houdini hotshot once I got my reflexes into it.

looking back through the eyes of age I confess to knowing Jack A. Buttkist about most everything in general.

I study coding now and I can grab code and dissect it…I guess I have reading comprehension of code.

I am good at modeling now…and working in maya did serve a purpose.

That being said…I love extrapolating on the examples provided by others…I think that was the best part about houdini…they always provided examples in the form of obj networks…stuff that you could break down.

I have to admit though…when I saw the animation of the Age of Ultron…and certain other movies it gave me a bit of a houdini chubby…at which point I realized I had to go back, sit down and see how people used it for look development…and how people established ways of using it in production.

I hope I can make a good portfolio and blog fast enough to make it into a Star Wars movie or series or something…something I can show my boy when he grows up.