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Recent Forum Posts problems 2009年3月18日16:39

Hey all,

I've got a python method that basically just does a, and i'm just passing in the path on where to save the file.

I've run into a problem where, if you use this save method that I've written, and then hit ctrl-s (file save), it brings up a houdini dialog, asking you where do you want to save the file. So it's not remembering or storing the name of the hipFile, or some houdini environment variable or something…

Alternatively, if I just do a regular saveAs, then hitting ctrl-s does what it's supposed to do and saves over the file. So the only thing that I have noticed that the regular file-save is doing that my custom save method is not….is creating backups automatically.

Anyone run into any issues like this before?

after running my save method command i do a:
setenv -l

I also run the same setenv command after a regular file-saveAs just to see if there is some variables that aren't being set after my save method, but it returns the same variables and definition except for the _HIP_SAVETIME…which has been updated.

Am I doing wrong?

- mike