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obtain the same detail ... 2012年6月26日12:46

If you really need to get slow motion control on your pyro simulation I would reccomend to use a standart type of retiming, such as TimeBlend+TimeWarp, BUT your container must be stable . So, blending volume primitives is possible, but only for some slow down speed in 3-4 times, in other way you can get some problem like very visual change of transperensy of volume primitives, of course, everything depends from your resolution.. if you have enough voxels - you can make very slow down smoke.
And you can use resize for speed up to your smoke form and after this make a swich to the stable container.

Export camera from 3Dmax to Houdini. 2009年8月6日11:24

Export camera from 3Dmax to Houdini. 2009年8月4日3:33

Confronted with the problem that *. fbx is not imported animated focus camera. Transform imported fine, but the focus is not imported. I wanted to save the animated curve in Graf Editor from 3Dmax and drag it in Houdini, but either it is not possible, or I do not know how. Because animation saves in the format *. xaf, but not in *. chan, etc. Perhaps someone is using both the package and know how to solve this problem?
I do not want to draw the curve each frame by hand in Houdini …
Help me please ! :cry:

PS: Sorry, I have bad English.