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place the UV island on top of each other? 2019年2月6日7:01

Long road, long cable, a bridge, a long wall, fence… most environment assets that use the copy sop create a challenge for me when it comes to texturing and therefore UVs.

To make sure I get the most of the 0 to 1 UV space, I want to have one UV island representing the original geometry that has been copied, and place the UV islands of the other copies on top of the original and on top of each other. Any idea how I can place the UV island on top of each other?

Turn the mask brush into eraser - erase part of the mask (mask paint) 2019年2月5日2:54

I draw a mask (heightfield), but I need to be precise, I cover more than I need and I need to erase part of the mask, how do I erase just the extra part (turn the brush into eraser)?

Where is noise parameter in Erosion in Houdini 17? (used to be in H16) 2019年1月4日5:31

I need noise in erosion (for dunes), it used to be in H16, I can't find it in H17? any idea where it is and how to add noise to erosion, now dunes look like solid rock.