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simple fast toon rig 2014年3月21日21:42

Thanks guys, much apreciated

simple fast toon rig 2014年3月21日9:29

Hey guys another Soft user and thanks for the Rig

I Downloaded the rig and like expected im completely lost in Houdini hahaha.

I just have a couple of questions not only about the Rig but also about some workflows Im used from Softimage and Maya as a Character Animator, maybe this is not exactly the right place to ask but here it goes:

- Does the rig come with any kind of Picker or Synoptic to help select the controls or does it even have a Select/Key ALL?

-Channels Groups behave like a Character Key Set right? I haven't dived into them just asking

-How can I drag select the values on the channel box and Ctrl+MMB to reset them all to 0? I tried to do it like in Soft and Maya but of course its not the same. I can do it in the Graph, so I assume I have to have the Graph open all the time if I want to mark the same value on more than one channel.

I know this are very basic and stupid questions but…