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Go Procedural Tutorial PDFs 2010年11月28日19:46

Will SideFx be doing more of these PDF tutorials? I just zone out listening to video tutorials.. great work!

Viewport issue with PFTrack camera 2010年9月27日11:38

cheers JC, I got it working eventually… you were right PFT was outputting 0's for those values..

Viewport issue with PFTrack camera 2010年9月27日7:57

Noob question. I'm tearing my hair out. I exported an FBX with geometry from PFTrack, imported it to Houdini, enabled background image and loaded the relevant clip. The clip shows up in every viewport, fine; but when I want to look through my PFTrack camera all I is get is grey. If anybody could help I'd be most grateful.