Jamie German


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passing point vop attributes for copy stamping 2016年1月6日10:24

You can use the point expression to do this

http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini14.0/expressions/point [sidefx.com]

Tangent rotation problem 2012年2月9日2:16

Excellent, thank you very much! Exactly what I was looking for

Tangent rotation problem 2012年2月8日21:29

Hi there,

So quickly and to the point:


At this point I realized that the tan^-1 button on scientific calculators isn't actually 1/tan… Does houdini have a Sin/Cos/Tan converter? If not, can you base an angle off of 2 lengths in houdini another way?

Thanks for any help, just for reference, trying to make a banister rail on a staircase, and the staircase is working procedurally fine, have the banisters set up, just trying to put the pole on it finally.

Can upload the file and show specifically what im talking about if it will help.