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Particle Fluid Emitter density test broken? 2013年2月11日13:17

I'm trying to prevent my Particle Fluid Emitter from emitting particles in areas where there is already density, similarly to how the ‘Kill Inside’ works in a Source Volume DOP. According to the help for the Particle Fluid Emitter, ‘Density Test’ should do that, but from my experimentation that option doesn't seem to do anything. I've tested the functionality in 12.0, 12.1, and 12.5. Has anyone gotten this feature to work, and if so could you explain how you got it working?

using isbound() with global variables 2009年9月21日16:58

I've got some vex code where I'm trying to determine if the the ‘Cd’ attribute has been set upstream of the current node. When I use isbound(“Cd”), it always returns a 1 regardless of whether or not it has been set upstream (I assume this is because Cd is a global variable). Is there another method I should be using to find out this information?

Automating geometry bakeouts 2009年1月23日20:22

I'm working on a domino project, and want to write each tile combination to disk (ie. I would like to write out one domino that has the numbers 0-0,0-1,……,4-6,5-6,6-6) so that I can eventually instance them. I have an HDA that I created with two parameters, ‘topnum’ and ‘botnum’ that allows me to control the number combinations on the tiles. Now to write them to disk I can drop down a file SOP, set the top and bottom numbers to 0-0, name the bgeo file 0_0.bgeo, and repeat this process 48 times for every possible combination. This is tedious and boring, and doesn't seem to be the houdini way of doing things. How should i go about automating the process of writing all this geometry to disk?