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RealFlow-Houdini 12 SOPs Update 2012年10月19日2:37

Great work and very helpful for me!
thank you!

Bullet physics implementation and other stuff 2011年5月11日9:34

If you use decompositon from bullet example files, be carefull. Its APPROXIMATE Convex Decomposition, so finall body(object) can be compress(deform) and If you have two or more pieces which are close, solver explode this objects. I am preparing new sop node for decomp, but I use my algorithm(I used this alg. some time, but in last few days, I worked on it, and its better), which create convex bodies, which is not deform!
your algorithm? Cool, is it a top secret? or maybe………

Bullet physics implementation and other stuff 2011年5月4日5:36

opppps,the problem has been solved temporarily, It is because the point's number in geometry, so I export the geometry first as obj file, then read from file and do convex decomposition then, It is ok, I will find the true reason :twisted: