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HDA Processor- How to use hdasopname for object hda [h18] 2019年12月3日21:00

I've got an object hda that was working fine in h17.5

In h18, however, the HDA Processor node errors out with a message saying it there were no suitable SOPs found in the HDA to use for output.

Looking at the docs, this makes sense, since the field is empty (hip was previously saved in h17.5)

However, try as I may, I'm not able to get the HDA Processor to find the correct SOP node no matter how I fill the hdasopname param. The example for the HDA Processor does not cover this.

I always get: specified SOP node was not found in HDA

my HDA looks like this (this is the path to the SOP with the display flag on, ignoring other nodes):
myHDA (obj_node:HDA/subnet) -> AgentCamera1 (obj_node:Camera) -> lookat_geom (obj_node:Geometry) -> lookat_out (sop_node:Null)

In the Sop Name (hdasopname) param, I tried:


but none worked. Is there a special syntax / expression I need to use?

Thanks in advance!

Custom Viewport Rendering: GR_Primitive management 2014年3月25日19:54

Hi there,

I'm playing around with primitive render hooks and having some trouble where my generated GR_Primitive gets deleted unexpectedly. I'm setting the GUI_HOOK_FLAG_COLLECT_PRIMS flag and deletion occurs whenever my GR collection primitive has a mix of primitives, some that do and some that don't meet the criteria (type) for the hook. I would expect the GR_Prim to be kept if it had at least on primitive that DID meet the criteria.

I'm looking at the docs re: this: []

Can you explain the 4th potential reason for deletion?
“If primitives were reordered in the detail such that a match between a primitive and its GR primitive could not be made.”

Thanks for your help!