Patrick B.


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Set attribute from @Frame, and hold that value 2021年5月14日8:26

Wow it finally workes thank you a lot for your Time. But why does it not work if you want to use the color as you selection option?

Set attribute from @Frame, and hold that value 2021年5月14日5:50

If I wrote your massage correct this is what you said I should do

Set attribute from @Frame, and hold that value 2021年5月14日5:29

I am very familiar with the Node and how it works that's the reason why it is so frustrating right now that I can not figure out what I'm doing wrong to stop the accumulation. and the line of Code: @born += 0.1 won't change that.

I Don't understand why I can not transfer the concept you shared in the .hip file to work with the transfer of color.