Guillaume Parra


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Moana Island into USD with Solaris 2020年6月8日7:34


I gave it a try with another vexpression. The attribute widths being a float array, I tried to set a value for each curve like so :

string primPath = "/isBeach_xgGrass_set_crv/isBeach_xgGrass_python";
float val = 1.0;

// get all the curves
int crvNumber[] = usd_attrib(0, primPath, "curveVertexCounts");

// create a tmp array containing the val value for each curve
float valHolder[];
for (int i = 0; i < len(crvNumber); i++)
    valHolder[i] = val;

// set the tmp array into the widths primVar
usd_setattrib(0, primPath, "widths", valHolder);

Which gives me this :

It technically works (widths contains now an array of 5400 values with a 1.0 val) but Karma doesn't replicate any change when I change the “val” variable in the vexpression.

That would mean that :
- “widths” is not the attribute I expect to hold those pscale/width/thickness curve values ?
- karma in H18.0.416 doesn't take into account widths values ?
- something else that I'm missing ^^ ?


Moana Island into USD with Solaris 2020年6月7日17:57


A little update for this project and a question ^^ :

In my first “unwrapping” of the moana island, some things were obviously not there because now the necessary ram to “draw” it in houdini GL is about 30-35 Go. Then, rendering it to Karma adds another 30-35 Go of ram (and first time to pixel is now something like 50 sec). I've set most of the heavy stuff (instancers) with a “Render” purpose in order for the viewport not to load it in the houdiniGL world.

All the shaders are now created/assigned. The lookdev doesn't look very good at the moment. I think it comes from the rough solution that I came up with the json materials translation. Some attributes can't be found or probably don't behave the same in the karma principled shader. I don't know precisely. Also, there are certainly some fails in the translation ptex -> bitmap files and UV layouts juggling. So, at some point, I'll improve manually some of that.

I've a little question about the basisCurves prim. How can I tweak the width/radius/pscale ? I'm seeking for a solution in /stage/ land if possible.

Right now, I've done an attribWrangle after the sopImport with “Run on Elements of Array Attributes” checked and that vexpression :

f@widths = 1.0;

It did make a change in the karma render. They look like they have the same width as when they are drawn in houdini GL (very thin). But changing the value doesn't do anything.

If you have an idea of what I'm missing here…?

Thanks !

Moana Island into USD with Solaris 2020年5月10日8:26


Thanks everyone for the support !

@tamte : Thanks for that. I must admit I didn't have the time to test what you were suggesting, regarding the use of st instead of uv. But yeah it might work and be less stupid than what was found to make it work ^^

@DaJuice : Cheers mate !

@wolfwood : Yes, the karma support for multi instancing is nailing it for this kind of scenes !

@Sixjames1000 : Thanks ! I'll be sharing the setup when I feel this is a v1, which means the most complete “unfold” I can do (objects, textures, shading, instances), according to the data set. Hopefully a release by the end of this month !

For the past few days I've been working on the texture extraction side of things. It's a more tedious task than I expected, but I feel like I'm nearly at the end of this process ! I'll do another post later in order to explain a little bit more in details how I approached it and you'll tell me if there was a better route for this or not so much. It involved lots of python lines, some top & cop nodes (contexts that I never worked with) and a fair amount of baking times .

Also, regarding the bug I had on this step “Make the hero assets “Karma Friendly”.”. The awesome SideFX support told me a bug related to this was fixed and released in the H18.0.460 that's been out today. So I'll try this version as soon it gets installed at the office .
