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Applying gravity on only one object in Vellum simulation 2022年12月9日5:04

beautiful tomas

rotate point normals around tangents in vex 2017年8月16日15:02

@moogtastic, thanks!

It wasn't even the assignment of tangents that was off. It was the syntax in my vex.

This worked:


float twist = chf('twist');

matrix m = ident();

rotate(m, twist, v@tangentu);

@N *= m;

rotate point normals around tangents in vex 2017年8月15日16:46

I know this has been asked before, but I simple can't get this to work correctly.

I got a curve with a lot of points. I put N and Tangentu on the points with a polyframe and in a Pointwrangle I have the following:


float twist = chf('twist');

vector tnorm = normalize(@tangentu);

matrix3 m = ident();
rotate(m, twist, tnorm);

@N *= m;

- twist is a float slider.

The Normals rotate, but on some weird axis. I obviously need them to rotate around Tangentu

Hip file attached