Piotr Stopniak


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In Vellum , is it possible to change the shape of input geometry, over time? 2022年12月18日23:49


sorry for resurrecting an old topic but did you ever figure this one out?

using KineFX skeleton for path orientation 2021年7月19日4:42

Thanks Matt!

...I was given a very easy solution via the discord group:

simply use the edit node:
first add an orient along path, then edit node in local space + recompute normals disabled.

I was overthinking it with the skeleton setup.

using KineFX skeleton for path orientation 2021年7月18日2:28

Hi All,

I'm working on a model made of a twisted ribbon - I was wondering if there's a way of using the skeleton/rig pose toolset for setting point orientations along a path?

Basically I would love the per-point orientation handles without the hierarchy.

Is there a simpler way where I can modify the @orient attribute directly with a handle?

...because this ribbon will be quite long, with a lot of twists, using the rotation ramp will be impractical.