Travis Saul


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Houdini Engine


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Houdini Packages, Subprocess, and duplicate env vars 2022年8月22日7:02

Thanks for the link tamte. I've been using the info on that page for all along. I'm beginning to wonder if this is a bug. If I remove the houdini_os expression I no longer get a duplication of my env var values. Either this is a bug or I'm still not getting the syntax correct in my package.

WORKS (does not duplicate var value):
    "enable": true,
    "load_package_once": true,
    "env": [
            "var": "MYENVVAR1",
            "value": "C:/Users/me/some/path",
            "method": "replace"
            "var": "MYENVVAR2",
            "value": "C:/Users/me/some/other/path",
            "method": "replace"
os.environ result:
Does NOT work (duplicates var value):
    "enable": true,
    "load_package_once": true,
    "env": [
            "var": "MYENVVAR1",
            "value": [
                    "houdini_os == 'windows'": "C:/Users/me/some/path",
                    "method": "replace"
            "var": "MYENVVAR2",
            "value": [
                    "houdini_os == 'windows'": "C:/Users/me/some/other/path",
                    "method": "replace"
os.environ result:

Houdini Packages, Subprocess, and duplicate env vars 2022年8月21日16:39

It's strange. I've tried setting both of these in my package and I'm still getting a double loading of the environment variables.

Houdini Packages, Subprocess, and duplicate env vars 2022年8月21日14:32

I have an issue and I'm curious if any of you have any solutions. I've set some environment variables via a package located in a custom directory set via HOUDINI_PACAGE_DIR. When I run Houdini the variable load find and there are no issues. However, for purposes of publishing on a pipeline, I am using subprocess within a python script to copy, open, and execute some rops within a hip files. The strange thing is, the values of the env vars I've set within that package are doubled or a copy of that values is appended. MYENV1 would normally have a values of "C:/Users/me/some/path". When accessed from within a Houdini hip file opened via subprocess it has a value of "C:/Users/me/some/path;C:/Users/me/some/path". Additionally, this behavior does not happen if I set the environment variables via houdini.env.

I'm not sure how to prevent this from happening. Any thoughts?

Here's the simple package json I was using:
    "enable": false,
    "env": [
            "MYENV1": [
                    "houdini_os == 'windows'": "C:/Users/me/some/path"
                    "houdini_os == 'macos'": "/Users/me/some/path"
            "MYENV2": [
                    "houdini_os == 'windows'": "C:/Users/me/some/other/path"
                    "houdini_os == 'macos'": "/Users/me/some/other/path"