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Need an attribute wrangle vex 2024年1月13日12:02

Thank you guys,

I couldn't figur it out with solver but I manage to do it with this peace of code:

float start_frame = fit01(rand(@ptnum), $FSTART, $END);
float duration = 2.0;

float pscale = fit(@Frame, start_frame, start_frame + duration, 1, 0);
@pscale *= pscale;

works pretty good.

but the group random selection had to be removed which was ok for me

Need an attribute wrangle vex 2024年1月10日12:46


You can write something like this:

float s = fit ( @Frame, 10, 20, 1, 0 );
@pscale = s;

Hi Man Thanks a lot
It kinda works

you see the points will scale down by that frame range alright, but after that all the points scale down to zero.

I guess I need to store the points, when they are selected and when a point in frame 39 for example gets select, then from that frame that point should start to scale down to zero

how to achive that?

Need an attribute wrangle vex 2024年1月6日14:08

Hi everyone hope your doing great.

I have a group which has an expresion that over time some of them randomly being selected.

after that i need to scale down each point in group that are selected to be zero. but not rightaway

i want to scale them down over some frames mybe 10 or 20 or...

so this piece of wrangle works:

if (inpointgroup(0, "mygroup", @ptnum))
@pscale *= 0;

but it's not what i want. i want to have control over the frame range i need the selected points be scale down

please let me know what is the best way to do it
thank you