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Camera view and up vectors 2012年4月12日11:10

I guess I could and just use that to manually find the view and up vectors, which is what my application needs. I was just wondering if there was a way houdini could give those vectors to me.

Camera view and up vectors 2012年4月11日11:54

I'm working on exporting some information from houdini with a python script. I was just curious if there is an easy way to get the vector that makes up the view direction of the camera and the up vector of the camera.

Thank you

Add CVs to curves 2012年4月5日11:32

I can't seem to add CV's to a curve. The online documentation says just to press shift + LMB, but nothing is happening. Do I need to be in a particular mode? I'm running Houdini on Linux and I know that sometimes the key commands are a little bit different from other OSs.