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Ptex workflow (Mudbox-Houdini) 2011年6月3日8:26


I was trying to render Ptex files in houdini and I thought that I should write a small tutorial about my experiences. I'm still a beginner in Houdini but I hope you will find my tutorial helpful.

Here is the article []

Specular Angle Map 2011年5月17日4:13


I'm studying houdini shader system and I have difficulties with control specular angle by a texture map.

I want to achieve a sort of dirty chrome effect where specular angle is controlled by a texture map instead of a single float channel.

As you can see on the attached picture I tried to multiply the default specular angle controller by a black&white texture map but this approach didn't work for me.

I would appreciate if somebody could help me.

Chatty Cathy Pinocchio (my first houdini project) 2011年4月27日4:37

Hi there!

I would like to introduce my very first animation project which was done with houdini.

Few mounts ago I started to learn Houdini and One of my friends (Peter Nagy) who is actually a professional animator asked me if I could help him render out his new animation. I though that this was a good time to give a chance to Houdini (and myself) and see what we could achieve by using Mantra this time (I myself a maya user).

As I mentioned, the animation was done by my friend Peter Nagy. I exported the animated characters from maya to houdini and did the shading, lighting and rendering works in it.

I really enjoyed the work in Houdini and looking forward the next challange []

I hope you like the final result!