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Triggering Animated Crowd Layers? 2017年5月15日3:51

Good question.

baketexture normal for a very round sphere. 2017年5月5日20:01

Hi. The reason why the tangent-space normals are flat is likely because the low-res sphere has smooth normals (the normals interpolated across its surface lines up with the normals on the hi-res sphere). If you use faceted normals on the low-res sphere (eg use “normal” SOP to assign per-vertex normals with 0 cusp angle) and bake Nt, you'll get what you're looking for.
thank you for your reply .

I got the Nt map as you said . that's really a help.

but the problem still not be solved . i also cannot get the low poly sphere look like high ploy shpere .

1, i create the princip material .

2 ,in the bump& normal tab ,click enable,and add the Nt map texture just baked .then assign to the low ploy sphere. the sphere also look like nothing happen as below picture show.

baketexture normal for a very round sphere. 2017年5月4日4:42

Olaf Finkbeiner
normal maps are not displacement maps.

thank you for reply .
but after i bake ds map ,nt map, I create material and add to low poly sphere. it also the same .any idea ?