Craig Zuckerman
About Me
Advertising / Motion Graphics
Houdini Engine
プロシージャルワークフロー | Environments | Digital Assets | キャラクタ & アニメーション | Motion Editing | Animation | Hair & Fur | Cloth | Crowds | Muscles | Solaris | Mantra | Karma | Lighting | Pyro FX | Fluids | 説明 | Realtime FX | PDG | VEX | Python
I am available for Freelance Work
Recent Forum Posts
can't render in viewport 2025年1月23日8:10
Hi, I'm on H 20.5.445, recently I tried to render in viewport, tried with CPU, and XPU, have reset viewport several times, rendering starts for a few seconds, then stops
-in the recent past, this scene renders in VP just fine, nothing changed, please help, I don't know what else to do, thanks, Craig

how can i update viewer mode please? 2024年12月19日15:44
sorry for long winded note here
ID numbers are reverse order 2024年10月8日14:30
Hi, I am following a tutorial, and my marker numbers are reversed-his numbers, go from -1 to 0, left to right , black to white-I am using a different model, my numbers are opposite, 0 to -1, white to black, left to right; I then used his model in my scene, and I can not match what he has; I attached my scene file; I thought that I had the VEX in the attrwrangle correct, but I can not find my mistake, perhaps someone can enlighten me please as to what I got my results ?, thank you in advance, Craig