Craig Zuckerman


About Me

Advertising / Motion Graphics


White Plains, United States

Houdini Engine

プロシージャルワークフロー  | Environments  | Digital Assets  | キャラクタ & アニメーション  | Motion Editing  | Animation  | Hair & Fur  | Cloth  | Crowds  | Muscles  | Solaris  | Mantra  | Karma  | Lighting  | Pyro FX  | Fluids  | 説明  | Realtime FX  | PDG  | VEX  | Python


I am available for Freelance Work

Recent Forum Posts

can't render in viewport 2025年1月23日8:10

Hi, I'm on H 20.5.445, recently I tried to render in viewport, tried with CPU, and XPU, have reset viewport several times, rendering starts for a few seconds, then stops -in the recent past, this scene renders in VP just fine, nothing changed, please help, I don't know what else to do, thanks, Craig

how can i update viewer mode please? 2024年12月19日15:44

Hi, I'm on H 20.0.547 on laptop; on my desktop, I can refresh my viewer,, that desktop, not working now, on my laptop, for the life of me, can't find , "labs" on upper left shelf, in the (/pulldown ( sorry forgot which category it is in, maybe labs) I can "refresh my viewer, as of now, in Solaris, in perspective view, it is not recognizing my camera], on my desktop,once I refresh my scene, the camera is recognized; can someone please tell me how to take my perspective view out of "manual mode" and update it?, than kyou, Craig
sorry for long winded note here

ID numbers are reverse order 2024年10月8日14:30

Hi, I am following a tutorial, and my marker numbers are reversed-his numbers, go from -1 to 0, left to right , black to white-I am using a different model, my numbers are opposite, 0 to -1, white to black, left to right; I then used his model in my scene, and I can not match what he has; I attached my scene file; I thought that I had the VEX in the attrwrangle correct, but I can not find my mistake, perhaps someone can enlighten me please as to what I got my results ?, thank you in advance, Craig