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Query a ropfetch node for progress/completion state w/python 2021年3月8日21:38

Thanks for the absurdly fast and helpful response @tpetrick! I moments earlier heard the same from mestela and was about to reply to this thread with the same info. Cheers!

Query a ropfetch node for progress/completion state w/python 2021年3月8日21:26

Hey there

I'm just starting to get my head into TOPs-land. I want to run a pythonscript TOPs node when the incoming node (which is ropfetch node) is complete. Right now, no combination of "Generate When" and "Evaluate Script During" seems to get the python script to run only AFTER the incoming node is complete. I hope to get around this by having python script itself check whether the incoming node has completed cooking. So far though using:

rf = hou.node(".").input(0)

...only ever tells me that the node is cooking, unless I manually dirty the python node after everything is complete then run just that. Then I get "cooked" as the answer.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated.



Unable to resolve crashes in Houdini crahes with in 10-30 seconds 2018年9月4日15:33

Hey there RobertJ

Looks like I'm facing a very similar thing with somewhat similar hardware. Just recently porting to an Asus ROG with twin GTX970 and 16GB ram in Win10.

I was getting segfault crashes after about 30sec/minute.

I just updated my nVidia drivers and I'm getting the crashes almost instantly now.

Did you ever resolve it at your end?

