cody Stoof


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18.5 white water solver add in custom repellents 2021年5月21日16:32

Is there a way to add custom repellents to the white water solver? for example if I want to add in more repellents in a specific area, is there a way to do it?

Is coding required for quality vfx in Houdini? 2017年6月6日8:16

Coding can be very helpful, however the fx lead I have ever had cannot code at all. If you have a good eye and can figure out clever ways to do something,there is usually nodes for whatever you are trying to accomplish. In my personal experience I have found too many FX TDs get to wrapped into their coding that they can lose track of the big picture, or end up wasting a lot of time coding something that there is already a node that does the same thing.

For anything that doesn't have sop node, there is always VOPs.

solver parameter per source 2015年11月4日11:19

I am working on a project with several different sources. I would like to be able to have control over specific parameters for separate sources. For example in a pyro simulation I would like to be able to have a different gas released for each fuel source. Is this doable without having to use several different pyro solvers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,
