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Houdini Generating Models? Help please? 2010年11月22日20:21

Hi Finn, was wondering if you found the help in the L system?

Another easy way of getting there is creating a geo node, go inside.
tab lsystem
create the SOP
click on the help/question mark button on the bar of the parameters to open help for that item.

Houdini Generating Models? Help please? 2010年11月22日2:05

Hi Finn,

I would take a look at L system SOP

http://localhost:48626/nodes/sop/lsystem [localhost]

You could start generating curves and start skinning them.

Anyway, just a thought.

Basic expression syntax error 2010年11月21日15:32

Hi everybody,

I'd like to calculate a value for a parameter using the following expression.

I am new to HScript (sry, no Python, YET!)

I wrote this in MEL. Would appreciate very much if you could just point me in the right direction.

One doubt I have , is say $i a variable reserved for a counter? Anyway, I was just trying to explicitly declare the counter because I need to start it at 2.

Many many thanks!

expression for ch(“projected_last_elevation”):

ch(“projected_last_elevation”) = ch(“first_blade_elevation”);
int $counter = 2; //the while starts at the second blade
while ($counter <= ch(“number_of_blades_goal”))
ch(“projected_last_elevation”) = ch(“projected_last_elevation”) + ch(“blade_elevation_offset”)*ch(“blade_elevation_gain”)^(ch(“blade_elevation_exponent_multiplier”)*$counter);
$counter += 1;