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Robot arm rig best practices 2023年8月4日3:53

There are probably better ways to deal with this, but personally I would set orientations with VEX.
Take a look at the example file.

Ah I can't open it since I'm using Indie version. But I'm guessing what you mean is that, instead of using OrientJoints node to setup axis towards child, you would be using RigAttributeWrangle node to setup a straight-up axis for rotation control, and ignore pointing-to-child thing?

Robot arm rig best practices 2023年8月3日14:09

In a setup like this, I want to rotate the selected joint along the world's y axis, but if the joint has to point to the next joint in hierarchy for good deformation, I have to rotate all 3 axis to make it possible.

The solution I can think of is either disconnect the joints and have the child constraint to the rotation of the selected joint, or I can add a support joint between the selected and child to porperly setup the axis.

What is the best practices for situation like this?