Tomas Slancik


About Me

Advertising / Motion Graphics


New York, United States

Houdini Engine


I am currently employed at Method Studios

Recent Forum Posts

Generating single side geometry 2024年7月25日23:06

It highly depends in your geo, hard to generalize

If it was done by simple extrude you may be able to extract polys fully surrounded by first half of points as a base and blend half way towards thr second half of points

In other cases you may find UV space useful as UVs may already be unwarped separately for both sides or on the other hand they may overlap which on its own can also help to separate front and back

For simple non-looping straps you can also reconstruct the flow from procedurally finding one of the caps and expand from there

In any case as mentioned depends on your geo

In Copernicus, can you drive a switch with an attirbute? 2024年7月25日16:57

Most likely you want to generate separate textures in Copernicus and use switch in the shader based on your index primvar

Copernicus textures are created before the render so there is no way to regenerate the texture on the fly based on which object is being rendered if they overlap the same portions of the uv space

If however you have your ropes occupy different portions of the same uv space you can Rasterize your rope index into a layer and use that to switch the pattern in Copernicus to generate a single texture

Houdini Vellum - break welds dinamically 2024年7月24日21:40

if you already have it animated in SOPs on the first input geometry for example

then you can just use Geometry Wrangle DOP inside, in Inputs Tab set Input1 to First Contrxt geometry
i@weld = point(0, "weld", @ptnum);