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Crash when assigning joint weights 2024年7月26日9:48

When I try to use the jointcapturepaint spreadsheet to assign some skeletonweights to a joint, most of the time Houdini crashes to the desktop.

I have submitted a Bug report but it seems Support can't reproduce the issue, while this happens every time on my system with the scene I attached.

I also created a screencapture of the issue : Screencapture []

Maybe someone can reproduce the issue, or confirm it's just me ?


Apex Capture Weight Normalize 2024年7月26日9:23

When weight normalize is on in the jointcaptureweight spreadsheet, and I try to set the weight of some points, Houdini has a strange way of normalizing.

When I try to assign a value of 1 to some points, after normalizing the value is never what I assign to the joint.

I don't now what Houdini is trying to do, but when a point is assigned to a single joint and I try to assign it 100% to a different joint by typing a value of 1 in the spreadsheet, it assigns a value of 0.5 to most points and some other value like 0.4 to other points on both joints.

I can't get Houdini to normalize as expected, which is a value of 1 to the joint I assign it to, and a value of 0 to the other joints.

Does anyone know some secret trickery to make Houdini normalize properly ?


Why is the UI Design of Houdini So Inconsistent? 2024年7月25日14:05

Another ting about the GUI that has been bugging me ever since I started with Houdini, besides still having to select a viewport with "n" before being able to select the shading type, is the complete neglect of the RMB in Houdini.

It would speed up the workflow sooo much if we don't have to search where a function is hidden in a dropdown menu somewhere in a TAB when it could be right under the RMB in the viewport.

That goes for almost all functions in Houdini, just a single example; "Select Output" or "Input" to select a node tree, I have to go into the Network View, focus on the selected Node, make sure the mouse pointer is over the Node before I can finally select the node tree...really ??

Or while modeling Houdini knows I have some edges or polygons selected, why do I have to search for tools like polysplit or polyextrude in the TAB menu when the Sops related to edges, points or polygons could be automatically filtered and put right under the RBM ?

Considering the fancy features SideFX came up with in the 20.5 update stuff like this should be a piece of cake.

I dropped an RFE about this years ago....