Jesús Gómez Diaz


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Recent Forum Posts

start scene with changed frames 2024年5月11日12:53

start scene starts from 1001 to 1240, I managed to find this video, where the people of Entagma explain it very well []
but the surprise has come when I manage to open the scene, but the timeline is as always from 1 to 240, does anyone know how to solve this?
thank you very much to all

use hardware to improve productivity 2024年4月28日5:57

Hello everyone, has anyone tried to use this peripheral with Houdini? I'm interested, I think it could be very useful if we can add direct access to nodes to these buttons.
I understand that this will not be compatible, but you never know, maybe someone is using it []

Regards and thanks for everything

start frame 2024年2月15日12:11

hello everyone.
Does anyone know how to get Houdini to start from frame 1001, as soon as you start the program?

Sorry if the question is very basic, I am in the learning process. thank you so much