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How can I transfer a texture from a mesh A to mesh B? 2023年6月1日11:21


I'm making some tattoo tests for my arm to help me choose what I like.
To avoid having UV seams showing, I managed to vellum project planes onto the arm.
It works perfectly but now I would like to know if it's possible to transfer the tattoo black lines onto the diffuse texture of the arm.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

This is sort of what I'm looking for:

Here's a zip with the HIP file and all the textures [drive.google.com]
I used Houdini 19.5

How to get motion blur to work in UE4 on flip from Labs VAT? 2022年8月3日17:19

Hi, I'm using Unreal 5 and I'm not quite sure where to plug my velocity texture into the material. The only way to have motion that I found was to use this setup but I have weird horizontal lines of motion blur. Does somebody know how to have clean motion blur with my velocity texture?

https://streamable.com/0z9lah [streamable.com]
https://imgur.com/a/6ksx3uf [imgur.com]

How can I make an exploded view by color? 2020年8月7日14:20

Use a Name From Groups SOP to convert the groups created by the Partition SOP to generate an s@name primitive attribute, then use Exploded View SOP to split your pieces up and move them from the center based on that name attribute.

Omg this works 100% Thank you so much for this!