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how could I import Cd attributes into shop net ? 2024年4月22日11:58

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hey, it's really easy to do, but maybe not obvious if nobody told you before!

in your VOP you gotta use a "bind" node. This node lets you bind attributes from your sop level into the material you are building for it.

So, in this case, tab "bind", and change the "Name" to Cd, and change it to 3 Floats (Vector), and then you can use it just like you would expect. So, for what i think you were trying to do, just plug the vector from your Bind into your basecolor, and you're good.

(Cf is not the same thing as Cd, as you have noticed)

Pretty sure the "Cd_bound" value is a boolean, so you can check to see if Cd was correctly bound or not. If it didn't work for some reason, you can set up a default value, whatever you want. (i haven't tried it, but i'm 99% sure that's what it's for)

Have fun!


steam/wine 2022年1月31日21:20

anybody have the steam version working on wine? (seems to crash on start for me, with current editions) or proton? (i haven't tried)

can we please has a native linux steam version?

houdini (steam) under wine 2021年9月23日22:59

hey, does anybody have any tips for running houdini (windows) under wine?

I have the steam version; so, i installed steam using winetricks under manjaro linux, it works pretty well, except there is no Open CL support, which SUCKS

does anybody have an idea how to fix it?