Wayne Wu


About Me

Production Technology TD @ Blue Sky Studios
Technical Director


United States

Houdini Skills


Not Specified

Recent Forum Posts

HDK: Set status message 2022年4月1日12:15


I'm writing a custom SOP node in HDK using NodeVerb. I've been trying to figure out how to display the status/progress message on the cook bar, however haven't had success so far. Looking at the doc, I would think UT_AutoInterrupt is the class to do so?

I've been adding this throughout my code:

UT_AutoInterrupt interrupt("Pre computing");
if (interrupt.wasInterrupted())

However, it doesn't seem to do the trick. Am I missing something?


Access Current Frame from PDG? 2020年8月30日22:14


Is there a way to get the current frame in Houdini from PDG/TOP? The Houdini cook gets evaluated with the work item's frame, so expressions like $F and hou.frame() do not work. I'm looking for away to be able to bake $F into a generic generator so I can spawn a work item with the current frame value. Not sure if this is even possible.


Wayne Wu

No Pre-Render/Post-Render script for Geometry Top node? 2020年6月23日23:55

When can we expect to see the pre/post callbacks functionality for TOP?

Our pipeline requires files to be deleted before writing, therefore we're trying to look for a clean way to delete the expected result data of a ROP Fetch on a per-frame basis and ideally right before writing, which would have been easy with the “Pre-frame Script” back with ROP nodes.

In the meantime, we've been unsuccessful in trying to come up with a robust temporary solution:
  • We've tried using standard TOP nodes to remove the files, however can't seem to get a dependency graph that can achieve the pre-frame behavior.
  • We've tried using the Event Handler to add a callback when work item state goes from waiting -> scheduled. However, this doesn't seem reliable enough especially once we start dealing with batched work items.
  • We're thinking of recreating our own ROP Fetch to reimplement the onPrepareTask callback, however given how complicated the ROP Fetch node is, it will require a lot of dev time to recreate ROP Fetch solely for this purpose. Thus we're reluctant to go down this route.

It feels like the cleanest way would be to have a hook to onPrepareTask to allow for the pre-frame logic?


Wayne W.