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Adding schemas 2023年11月27日12:48

Thanks! I can't believe i missed that right at the bottom!

I see that there are PhysicsCollisionAPI and PhysicsMeshCollisionAPI listed in the drop-down.
When i try to add PhysxCollisionAPI and PhysxTriangleMeshCollisionAPI in the string manually, only PhysicsCollisionAPI and PhysicsMeshCollisionAPI are listed in the schemas with PhysxCollisionAPI and PhysxTriangleMeshCollisionAPI being left out. Are we unable to specify schemas that aren't on the list?

Adding schemas 2023年11月24日6:11

I can see within the documentation in the Solaris glossary relating to Schema and API Schema. But is there a node within Houdini which provides the ability to add schemas to meshes?

Snippet from a usda file which only contains a box.

    def Mesh "Cube" (
        prepend apiSchemas = ["PhysicsCollisionAPI", "PhysxCollisionAPI", "PhysxTriangleMeshCollisionAPI", "PhysicsMeshCollisionAPI"]

The apiSchemas was added by Nvidia Isaac Sim. I assume we can add this using Python but wanted to know if there were tools already for this so we're not reinventing the wheel.

edited: Sorry i didn't realise the forums didn't like lists and hide the text.


python - script to edit python module within HDA 2022年7月21日8:46

took a day and a half to find this but here's the answer for others looking

import hou

node = hou.selectedNodes()[0] #get node

nodeTypeData= node.type().definition().sections()#dict of available info from the hda sections.
pycode = node.type().definition().sections()["PythonModule"].contents() #this gets the contents on the python module

node.type().definition().addSection("PythonModule","Test string goes here")#overwrite the python module here. you can use a file read in place of the string.