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Houdini 13 Wishlist. 2013年4月27日11:52

I know, the priority of Houdini is to be the best in special effects. I don’t know Houdini at 100% so maybe I can request some existing features.

1.To have the ability to offset the position of point numbers, primitive numbers,….
2.If there are 2 or more points at the same position, maybe point numbers should be display in columns with specials colors.
3.To have the ability to change all components color and components size. Example: color of the selected edge, color of the selected point,…..

Edges :
1.Edge snapping like Primitive Snapping( V )
2.“Display edge numbers” like “Display point numbers”

1.To be able to manipulate interactively geometry curve like animation curve : Break slopes, align slopes,….

1.Like “uvpelt” methodology, new algorithm to be able to have a cross shape from a cube (uvpelt = distorsion).
2.To be able to manipulate UV like others 3D package. A new uv node(or uv subnework) with a new window available with RMB like spreadsheet. The idea is to have a graphic wrapper of basic uv nodes. We manipulate “uv” interactively and nodes are generated automatically in background in the uv subnework.

1.To orient and/or move the transform gizmo (translate, scale, rotate) according reference edge(s), reference point(s), reference primitive(s) or reference objects(s) to manipulate a component.
a.Example with one reference edge : select a cube face, activate the good function (here edge blabla function), select a reference edge(1 edge of the cube for example). Now, the selected face(primitive) can be manipulating according the position or/and the orientation of the reference edge with 3 Results according the gizmo mode:
i.“Rotate gizmo” : gizmo position = selected reference edge midpoint position and orientation = aligned with “reference edge normal”
ii.“Translate gizmo”: gizmo position = no change and orientation = aligned with “reference edge normal”.
iii.“Scale gizmo” : gizmo position = selected reference edge midpoint position and orientation = aligned with “reference edge normal”

May be a new window where we can choose one or more chopNetwork. The GUI read the contents of chop networks to be able to manipulate interactively animation clip like animation Mixer (XSI) or trax editor(maya). And all no common chop nodes are visualized like “special clips”. The idea is to have a graphic wrapper of basic chop nodes. So we will manipulate “animation clip” interactively and nodes will be generated automatically in background. If we will directly tweak chop network then all new no common chop nodes will be visualized in the Houdini trax editor like special clips.

Volume Rendering "Glitches" 2011年4月16日19:58

Now, I'm learning houdini so I'm not an expert. But if you use particles for your volume rendering. You can try this solution.
Attach a “delete node” outside your popnetwork with this settings:
group=no group
operation = delete selected
entity = point
geometry = all
in the bounding volume tab of your “delete” node, you must choose this settings:
enable = ok
bounding type = bounding sphere
size = what you want.
center = link your camera position with these parameters(ex:
ch(“address_of_camera/tx”) so forth and so on). So your bounding sphere has a position constrain with your camera. In others words, your bounding sphere delete particles inside it and follow your camera. Why?
because when particles are very close to camera some renderer can have problem to calculate your volume shader. With mental ray of softimage, you have this problem.

Volume Rendering "Glitches" 2011年4月16日8:04

try to delete your particules or cut your volume around your camera.