Yolanda Charlo
About Me
SideFX Technical Consultant
Technical Director
Film/TV | Gamedev
United States
Houdini Engine
I am currently employed at SideFX
Recent Forum Posts
transforming lights in solaris 2022年11月29日15:50
Hi there,
I tried to replicate the issue but I could not. Could you confirm which houdini version are you using and perhaps share the file? I would love to have a look at it.
I tried to replicate the issue but I could not. Could you confirm which houdini version are you using and perhaps share the file? I would love to have a look at it.
Variants not working in StageManager 2022年11月9日15:02
Yep that is how the stage manager works. You bring in your assets with the stage manager and then you use the set variant node to set the variant.
Franken muscle in H19.5 2022年11月3日14:06
Hi! what was shown in the launch was a preview of what is coming and being worked on, but it is not available yet in H19.5.