Yonatan Bary


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Python Viewer State and Hotkeys 2023年12月17日15:37

Is there an easy way to know which hotkeys are "free to use" by a Python state?
I did a little run through all the characters and the ones who seem to be "locked" are:
d (Display options)
e (Scale tool)
j (Modify Channels)
r (Rotate Tool)
s (Volatile Select Mode)
t (Move Tool)
w (Wireframe)
And also these special characters ` \ ?

I wish we could override these in python states!

Python Viewer State and Hotkeys 2023年12月16日10:46

Thank you so much for your answer @playBalster!

I will test this as soon as I can

Hey @cval, were you able to make it work?
From my testing I can’t override these specific shortcuts.

My solution is to remove these shortcuts using the hotkeys python module and then onExit to assign them back, but it’s not good practice I suppose.

Am I using the RBD Exploded View wrong ?! 2023年9月3日7:18

Hello fellow magicians,

The RBD Exploded View is behaving weird when using it with multiple copied fractured objects:

As you can see the proxy geometry isn't moving correctly.
I'm copying the same RBD rig with a copytopoints and then unpacking with the `Enforce Unique Name...`.
I've dived inside the node's network and saw that the proxy geo is being unpacked and converted to lines for the viewport display, but the problem is that the name isn't transfered which causes the proxy geo to have duplicate names...

Am I using the node wrong? or is this a bug?

Thank you in advanced!