Houdini Main Changelogs


The paths in the "Expected Output" attribute in the TOPs work-item middle mouse button menu will now be localized, if enabled.

木. 5月 7, 2020

The paths in the "Expected Output" attribute in the TOPs work-item middle mouse button menu will now be localized, if enabled.

木. 5月 7, 2020

18.0 License Servers do not properly handle some http commands and as such http is now off by default in hserver and can be enabled with -C on the command line or enableHttp 1 in the options file.

木. 5月 7, 2020

18.0 License Servers do not properly handle some http commands and as such http is now off by default in hserver and can be enabled with -C on the command line or enableHttp 1 in the options file.

木. 5月 7, 2020

18.0 License Servers do not properly handle some http commands and as such http is now off by default in hserver and can be enabled with -C on the command line or enableHttp 1 in the options file.

木. 5月 7, 2020

18.0 License Servers do not properly handle some http commands and as such http is now off by default in hserver and can be enabled with -C on the command line or enableHttp 1 in the options file.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Added option to add a primid tracking attribute to the RBD Connected Faces SOP with an optional offset. This helps address issues with changing prim indices when unpacking or merging geometry. Added a group option to the RBD Disconnected Faces SOP to operate on geometry subset only.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Added option to add a primid tracking attribute to the RBD Connected Faces SOP with an optional offset. This helps address issues with changing prim indices when unpacking or merging geometry. Added a group option to the RBD Disconnected Faces SOP to operate on geometry subset only.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Added option to add a primid tracking attribute to the RBD Connected Faces SOP with an optional offset. This helps address issues with changing prim indices when unpacking or merging geometry. Added a group option to the RBD Disconnected Faces SOP to operate on geometry subset only.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Added option to add a primid tracking attribute to the RBD Connected Faces SOP with an optional offset. This helps address issues with changing prim indices when unpacking or merging geometry. Added a group option to the RBD Disconnected Faces SOP to operate on geometry subset only.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Corrected some undesirable offsets in corner meshes in the crease mode. Also, removed some memory waste.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Fixed a double color transform issue when flipbooking the viewport with an OpenColorIO view that contained Look transforms.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Fixed a double color transform issue when flipbooking the viewport with an OpenColorIO view that contained Look transforms.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Fixed a double color transform issue when flipbooking the viewport with an OpenColorIO view that contained Look transforms.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Fixed a double color transform issue when flipbooking the viewport with an OpenColorIO view that contained Look transforms.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Fixed a double color transform issue when flipbooking the viewport with an OpenColorIO view that contained Look transforms.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Reverted a fix with optransform() that allowed getting OBJ transform from SOP. It introduced regressions and will have to be reworked.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Reverted a fix with optransform() that allowed getting OBJ transform from SOP. It introduced regressions and will have to be reworked.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Reverted a fix with optransform() that allowed getting OBJ transform from SOP. It introduced regressions and will have to be reworked.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Reverted a fix with optransform() that allowed getting OBJ transform from SOP. It introduced regressions and will have to be reworked.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Reverted a fix with optransform() that allowed getting OBJ transform from SOP. It introduced regressions and will have to be reworked.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Saving and loading .vdb files will now preserve vec4 and mat4 metadata types.

木. 5月 7, 2020

Added Controls to the Geometry CHOP and Channel SOP which allow the user to crack matrices into their component channels in CHOPs and then transfer back to SOPs. 3x3 Matrices can be cracked into rotation, scale, and shear channels. 4x4 Matrices can be cracked into translation, rotation, scale, and shear channels.

木. 5月 7, 2020

The scene graph details pane's metadata tab will now show the metadata associated with value clips.

木. 5月 7, 2020

The scene graph details pane's metadata tab will now show the metadata associated with value clips.

木. 5月 7, 2020