Houdini Main Changelogs


Fixed bug where the reference plane ruler numbers would jump to the other side of the grid lines a little too early.

水. 4月 5, 2023

Fixed bug where the reference plane ruler numbers would jump to the other side of the grid lines a little too early.

水. 4月 5, 2023

Fixed bug where the reference plane ruler numbers would jump to the other side of the grid lines a little too early.

水. 4月 5, 2023

Fixed Karma Hair shader to correctly handle REFRACT vs REFLECT bounce types (for both KarmaCPU and KarmaXPU). This fixes subtle bugs with bounce-limits and LPEs

火. 4月 4, 2023

Introduced "Karma Room Map" for Karma CPU oly

火. 4月 4, 2023

Fixed a bug where using the RMB -> Cook Work Item context menu entry to cook a specific task would hang, instead of evaluating correctly. This could occur if the work item was in a Merge or Output node with work items that shared a common ancestor, but were generated through different input branches.

火. 4月 4, 2023

Fixed a bug where using the RMB -> Cook Work Item context menu entry to cook a specific task would hang, instead of evaluating correctly. This could occur if the work item was in a Merge or Output node with work items that shared a common ancestor, but were generated through different input branches.

火. 4月 4, 2023

Fixed bugs where assignments to hotkeys for invoking volatile states might now work until Houdini was restarted.

Fixed bug where using the Alt key for the view state would not work if the view state did have any keys assigned to its volatile hotkey.

火. 4月 4, 2023

The Render Gallery now captures all the AOVs when taking a snapshot, rather than just the AOV currently displayed in the viewport.

火. 4月 4, 2023

Volume Combine SOP and HeightField Combine SOP will properly use the blend volume when the blend and source volume are different.

火. 4月 4, 2023

The Attribute VOP & Wrangle SOPs will no longer rebuild their snippet cache if the group field changes.

火. 4月 4, 2023

The Attribute VOP & Wrangle SOPs will no longer rebuild their snippet cache if the group field changes.

火. 4月 4, 2023

Fixed an issue that was preventing the work item info window from opening properly when used with the Work Item Info button in the TOP status bar.

火. 4月 4, 2023

Fixed an issue that was preventing the work item info window from opening properly when used with the Work Item Info button in the TOP status bar.

火. 4月 4, 2023

Added caching to the Point Cloud Normal SOP to avoid full recooks. This makes the "Reverse Normals" toggle much more interactive.

火. 4月 4, 2023

Fixed a bug in the Geometry Import TOP when loading and merging multiple input .obj files into a single piece of geometry. Duplicate geometry was being included in the final output, resulting in an inflated point/prim count when compared with the source files.

月. 4月 3, 2023

Fixed a bug in the Geometry Import TOP when loading and merging multiple input .obj files into a single piece of geometry. Duplicate geometry was being included in the final output, resulting in an inflated point/prim count when compared with the source files.

月. 4月 3, 2023

Fixed a bug where rayimport() call for smooth normal (and subsequently N AOV) on non-poly mesh would output in incorrect space. This also addresses shading artifacts on curves and point meshes under "Simplified Shading" mode.

月. 4月 3, 2023

Houdini now allows saving shelf tools directly to an HDA. In HOM or GUI you can now use "opdef:/Object/foo" as the shelf file path.

月. 4月 3, 2023

Fixed a bug where cooking a TOP network for the first time would flag the current scene file as modified, when at least one node in the TOP network had a non-default scheduler override.

月. 4月 3, 2023

Fixed a bug where cooking a TOP network for the first time would flag the current scene file as modified, when at least one node in the TOP network had a non-default scheduler override.

月. 4月 3, 2023

The attribute wrangle and volume wrangle SOP's snippet cache is no longer reset on changing binding names; this in particular speeds up the attribute paint SOP with many layers.

月. 4月 3, 2023

Fixed a bug where rayimport() call for smooth normal (and subsequently N AOV) on non-poly mesh would output in incorrect space. This also addresses shading artifacts on curves and point meshes under "Simplified Shading" mode.

月. 4月 3, 2023

Prevent crash in PolyBevel-3.0 SOP that occurs when input has vertex attributes of type texture coorindate that are not of size 3.

日. 4月 2, 2023

Prevent crash in PolyBevel-3.0 SOP that occurs when input has vertex attributes of type texture coorindate that are not of size 3.

日. 4月 2, 2023