trampoline and ball

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hello everyone, I have been studing cloth in houdini and I am doing a ball falling on a trampoline, so when the ball hit the cloth, this last one stretch to much, I have been changing parameters of both object both I dont get my goal, I hope somebody help me thanks
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can you post a file? As a first suggestion is to select the RBD ball, and dramatically reduce its density. It's set to something like 1000 from the start, and that is very high.
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here is the file thank you

test_clothdyn.hipnc (226.5 KB)

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Active and Passive RBD objects can affect cloth objets but cloth can not impart forces back on Active RBD objects at this point in time.

Instead of using active RBD objects, use stiff cloth objects as colliders.

See your modified file where I took the active RBD object and converted it to a cloth object then reset the trampoline cloth object's properties back to it's defaults.

test_clothdyn_119_jw_v001.hipnc (558.7 KB)

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