What exactly is ESCAPE?

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I've been a little busy, with client stuff, all Maya modeling, so I've been remiss in my Houdini training. Got back on working on my Houdini creature project. I decided to test how well I can implement a major physiological change in creature design with Houdini. I wanted to change the mouth from jaw to a more complex interlocking clamshell and bulge out the eyesockets. I tell you, I am amazed at how relatively easy it is to do with Houdini. Here is the head bust shot.

http://sv2.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/imgView.php?imgID=6281 [sv2.3dbuzz.com]

NURBS aside, I think that Houdini definatly makes for better character modeling system. Especcially if you expect major client requested changes. I do wish it had Maya level NURBS, and more detailed snapping controls. I specifically miss segment interval snap feature.

So what exactly is this Escape module? More character modeling tools? 3DS MAX BIPED like autowalk cycle?

Maybe this is a sensitive question. Are modeling tools in Houdini new as set? Like Houdini did not have modeling tools before 5.5? Some former DigitalDomain TDs at one of my clients, are kind of surprised that I prefer modeling in Houdini to Maya.

Dave Rindner
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According to the SideFX product page it looks like Escape will be the same as Houdini Master minus POPs, COPs, and support for Renderman and Mental Ray. There'll probably be some new tool additions and upgrades, but I wouldn't think they'd add anything to Escape that isn't part of Master.
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Really! I was thinking its another module to extend Master with CA specific tools.
Working with apprentice, its is clear, well to me at least, that Houdini is superior to Maya. So what don't get is why do so many guys consider Maya Unl. to be THE package. Why is Maya considered the standard?
I provide high end models. To that end I use Maya, formZ, and Rhino. Most of the clients request that model be delivered in Maya binary format, and my models ‘mostly’ are animated in Maya. So majority of seats are Maya seats. Why is that? In mid 90's it was Softimage, and I certainly don't consider Soft to be better then Houdini. By all rights Houdini should the top dog in production industry. IMHO, it is the most impressive app on the market. I don't think you have to be a code monkey to use Houdini. With CHOPs I can tie in shape morpth to null sliders, and never type a line of expression, except channell names in CHOP exports. For ‘War Against Chtorr’ I designed and modeled this futuristic stealth chopper. The landing gear has this complex unfolding sequence. I had to write a bunch of MEL expressions when I set up the scene, so all the animator had to do was slide a single effector up/down. If I would redo this scene in Houdini, I would do it with CHOPS and no hand writing of expressions. I consider myself to be a Houdini ‘convert’, though I am far far from being production ready with it. I understand how it works, and Houdini's workflow is superior to Maya.

Dave Rindner
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DavidRinder there are times that you do need be a code monkey, even With the ease of the the chops networks.

check this out. []

With 120 moving parts not counting controls this strait forward walk was tough, but now that I want to add the ability to turn, react to the environment and attacks, this beast is becoming a major source of migrains.

Just wondering what is the best site for learning the subtle art of rigging.

Right now I am looking at approximatly 8 controls per leg and it may go up
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That is defenately very cool. Nice looping

Would love to see more of this!


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