Driving a volume from particles ?

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Hi everyone !

I'm new to Houdini volumes and I am trying to achieve a tornado effect.

I have my simulation done with particles and I am happy with it, but now, what I want is not to render out my particles, but take my particles and use them to drive a volume simulation, and then render out my volume simulation.

I saw that there is a possibility on advecting particles from a volume, but I didn't see any way to advect volumes from particles…

Maybe I could use my particles as a force field for my volume but how ?

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First of al you import your source field, then import the density field and create an empty velocity field.
After that you copy your particle velocity attribute “v” to the velocity field “vel” you created earlier. And last you advect your density field by the velocity field “vel”.

Below you'll find an example file that make's it more clear.
Edited by - 2012年6月4日 05:47:51

smoke_adv_sopField_01.mov (388.6 KB)
particle_advect.hipnc (484.1 KB)

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Hi claudio

Thanks a lot, I will try that this afternoon!

Thanks again !
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