houdini for animated diagrams?

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I am trying to ‘pimp up’ my presentations and I am looking for an easy way to generate 3D scenes and videos. I am usually using simple block diagrams and simple animations to visualize data flow. E.g. to visualize how a sorting algorithms works, load balancing, fault tolerance, etc.

Until now I am using mainly Powerpoint and sometimes Adobe Illustrator. But for 3D scenes and animations i cannot use these applications.

a) is Houdini the right tool for doing something like that?
b) can I export static scenes to illustrator?
c) how can i integrate videos, animated with Houdini, within my slideshows? Can I start them as separate videos? or is the export format to complicated?
d) is it possible to generate animated gifs in the end?

I am completely new here, therefore some of my questions might not make any sense…. I would be still happy about some answers

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Houdini is high end Effects program, so I'd say no, unless you wanted explosions custom FX solutions and all that jazz.
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any idea what I can use then instead?
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Houdini is high end Effects program, so I'd say no, unless you wanted explosions custom FX solutions and all that jazz.
Well, not necessarily true, I've used Houdini to iterate design concepts, do some data visualization and even some motion graphics, it's totally possible!
That being said, Delight0092 is right about some things, it does comes with a price: learning curve and price tag. If you can't afford either, I'd suggest you find another package.
Cinema 4D might be your guy, but I know nothing about it. You might even just get by using After Effects Which I used many times to animate graphs and other simple data visualizations (in 2.5D) and some of the trapcode plugins will help you immensely.

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I've used Houdini to make fancy-looking versions of basic data plots, and I plan to do more of that sort of thing. It's a bit of a pain to do from scratch, but maybe I should make a set of assets and put them on Orbolt… when I get some spare time. :wink:

It'd be cool to make colour plots for 2D data or even volume visualizations of 3D data in Houdini, though those can get finnicky, depending on what you're trying to visualize. I suppose another visualization of 2D data is available via the IsoSurface SOP, where you specify a function on (x,y,z), and it generates a surface where the function equals zero.
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Hello guys,

first off: thanks for all your messages so far, very much appreciated

it depends on the learning curve. When I can do simple things quite easy then it's fine. I do not need explosions and accurate physics. When you use diagrams for visualizing some concepts then simplicity is usually key. A database is a cylinder, some components are just boxes, etc.
Having said this, it would be still nice to have nice shadow effects and shadings. But seminars and some tutorials would look so much nicer with 3D animations.

I will have a look at the other software packages as well…. thanks for the tips

What is 2.5D ?

some template libraries would be very helpful then, thanks.

maybe this is something where sidefx should think about as well: some simpler version of houdini, expecially for animated 3D diagrams.
If it is easy to generate these little animations then maybe more and more people would do it….. could be a market
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I can't tell how steep of a learning curve it'll be, word on the street is that it's hard and although I don't agree the fact is that Houdini has a very particular workflow and people coming from other software generally struggle with the change. I loved it though!
You can get the free learning version from sidefx's website and there's plenty of tutorial there too. I suggest you give it a try on the first steps series it's nice and modular so you can skip what you're not interested.
If you decide to go ahead and buy it, there's a cheaper version that does everything but dynamics and particles and is cheaper than most competing packages out there.
Lastly, 2.5D systems try to simulate a 3D environment but the objects in the scene are not real 3D elements, just billboards. As you move around you get correct paralax and other camera effects, but close inspection to your elements will show they are flat. It can be very effective though when used right.

Toronto - ON
My Houdini playground [renderfarm.tumblr.com]
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