Multiple Attractors in popnet

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Joined: 9月 2012
Hello All,

I am trying to make a particle system with several attractors keyframed to attract at different times. However, all the inputs on my popnet node have been used. Is there a way I can place more attractors into the popnet node?

Also, I am trying to get a fan to shift my particles and it isn't working. I am using force pops now but that isn't what I want. Is there some stupid setting that I am missing? I am copying an pasting working fan systems into the file and they are working, so why isn't mine?

Thanks everyone,
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Joined: 8月 2006
1. Add additional attractor nodes and in the attractor sub-tab, use the geometry browser that is labelled “SOP”. no need to plug into the popnet, just use this to locate the node you want.

2. Uploading a .hip file when asking a question like this makes troubleshooting a lot easier, as right now I'm not really sure from your description exactly what it is you are after.

sop_browser.jpg (102.0 KB)

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