Imagination's real-time ray tracing card

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The faster of the two cards, the $1500 Caustic R2500, is physically large,
but the actual hardware driving it is much less powerful (and power-hungry) than what's found in a high-end workstation graphics card.
Two of Caustic's ray tracing units, or RTUs, are located under the card's small cooling fans.
Each of them has 8GB of memory dedicated to it for a total of 16GB on the entire card. [] []

Alright guys when we can see Houdini support for this or Houdini Plugin ?

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OpenRL looks interesting, thanks for sharing!
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We haven't heard anything from sidefx on this matter

What you guys think about OpenRL and Houdini in the Future ?
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Great idea, why not Imagination Technologies invest their time and develop Houdini plugin for its product, the same as they did for Maya… They won't bother? Why? Because Houdini is not even virtually a CAD application? Because in its niche of visual effects, non-standard hardware is the least desired situation? Or maybe because people who demand it, won't spend 2k$ for such card after realizing the number of limitations hardware tailored ray tracers put upon them.
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As it happens Caustic and Sidefx have had some contact, although no agreement to collaborate has been reached.
More requests from the Houdini community would certainly help make it happen.
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