Use Houdini to render on machine without Graphics card?

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Hi all, I want to render scenes on my farm machines, which do not have G-card since only CPU calculation is needed. But when I install and run Houdini the first time (as well as running the License Administrator), I got an error:

ERROR: Houdini failed to start OpenGL and cannot continue.

I if I use this machine to design or build scenes then I have to have an G-card, but as I said the only work needed is on CPU, it is unnessesary to have each farm slaves machine a G-Card right? I know there must be some solution but I googled and found nothing useful for my case.

So is any way to start houdini to skip the OpenGL check and running on the farm machine?
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BTW I have tried HOUDINI_OGL_SOFTWARE = 1 however still have no luck to make it started.
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No graphics card, no run Houdini graphical.

You will need to run either hscript (Houdini hscript command line interface) or hython (python with hou module imported) to load and process Houdini scenes and generate ifd files which then get passed on to Mantra.

You can run hscript/hython with either a Houdini or batch license.

You can install and set up hserver to feed the render farm without graphics heads as well. As long as the houdini installer is run on all the machines. On linux, it is easy to install Houdini remotely via the command line.

Old school way to execute jobs on the farm is via shel scripts that load scene files and render output.

Have a look at $HFS/bin in the shell to see all the executables that ship with Houdini.
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You could launch command line renders using hbatch
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If you go to $HB ($HFS/bin) you will see that hscript and rscript are linked to hbatch. Given that all my scripts are quite old when hscript was the actual executable…
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What is the status of the Hqueue installer these days? I mean, I tried running it recently on my mac, just out of curiosity and it crashed in the end of the process, so I gave it up…
Is it supposed to work fine on all supported systems?
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Thanks all you kind guys, I guess I'm still stuck with it.
The main problem current I can't deal with is, the first thing I have to face to is, the License Administrator need OpenGL check too
Without installing license, I can't start hbatch.exe neither, it says
“No licenses could be found to run this application.. blabla .. You can try launching Houdini Fx, instead.”
However I am already in a “instead”…
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There are command line tools for license admin/management as well
sesictrl should work ( [])
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There are command line tools for license admin/management as well
sesictrl should work ( [])

WOOOW, That works, you save my day! thanks jkunz07, and all of you
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