Manually import to Asset Browser?

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Is there a way bring an already downloaded asset to the Asset Browser being used? It happens that i had my collection of assets in the Home folder. And for debuggin reasons i created a new folder, downloaded some new assets there. So now I want to know if there is a way to merge the assets from these two folders.
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If all of the assets have been downloaded under the same user, you should be able to click the sync button (circle/arrow thingy) and it will redownload any missing onse.
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thanks for answering, I'm starting to realize how works the user in orbolt. It seems a user can only use the assets he downloaded and they can´t be shared. Am I right?

Any way, the reason I'm searching a manual way, is the size of some of the assets I downloaded. It would hurt my wallet to re-download them. I wonder if i just copy them to the current asset folder orbolt may recognize them when I press the download button in the web page or the sync button? and skip the download process and just do the registering in my local folders?

If this is not real, it may be a good feature to implement. Don't you think? when you are starting a new profile from scratch and choosing what you want to keep and what don´t.
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That's correct the assets are locked to the specific user by a license file. The mechanism is there in place to prevent unauthorised copying of payed assets.
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Joined: 1月 2010
Thanks now are clearer the possibilities I can do with the assets.
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