rendering out half frames?

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I have another Q: How do you render out half frames, especially for a bgeo sequence, if that even makes a difference? I.E. 0345, 0345.5, 0346, 0346.5, 0347, 0347.5, etc.

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well, the idea of a half frame doesn't really exist.. you just have frames and frame rates.. (don't confuse this with interframe calculations)..

so from what im assuming you want is that you want to have a playback framerate of 30 fps but be able to have twice the amount of frames.. so basically you would render out at 60 fps (twice as many frames) and play it back at 30 fps.

as far as a bgeo.. i suppose you could do it, but when you bring it in with a file sop, you're just gonna tell it to skip over every other ‘frame’ to have it playback at the right speed at 30 fps. or i guess you could just do your project at 60 fps if you really wanted to..

as for making a difference.. it won't if you're just doubling it then halving it again. but if you're doing a whole project at 60 fps, you'll have smoother animation.. prob not worth it tho imho..
Dave Quirus
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I really want to stay away from doubling my frame rate, then cutting it in half. What I am ultimately trying to do is to offset the file sop by half a frame by using file_`$F-.5`. However the result I recieved was that it was looking for half frames in the sequence, that do not currently exists, unless I render out half frames.

I was looking in the geo ROP's help window, and under the Start/End/Inc section, it reads:

“Note that when rendering a sequence of images with a fraction Inc, $N is the number of the frame rendered, $F is the nearest integer frame render, $FF is the floating point frame number.”

I am guessing that because the help window says “fraction Inc,” that it is capable of rendering out half frames? I tried entering $N and $FF and .5 into the Inc channel (I even tried $F), but the resulting sequences I rendered included only full frame increments, and no half frame increments.

Anything else I can try?

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Hey Jon,

I am guessing that because the help window says “fraction Inc,” that it is capable of rendering out half frames? I tried entering $N and $FF and .5 into the Inc channel (I even tried $F), but the resulting sequences I rendered included only full frame increments, and no half frame increments.

Fractional increments should work just fine.
Add a geometry ROP, enter the name of the SOP you want to save, set the frame start/end/inc to <start>, <end>, and 0.5 respectively, and set the file name to something like mygeo.$FF.bgeo.

If the start is frame 1, then this produces the sequence:

… etc.

If you want the decimal place to always appear in the names, then you can set the file name to mygeo.$F.`trunc(frac($FF)*10)`.bgeo, which will produce the sequence:

… etc.

And of course, the same expressions would need to be used when reading the files back. So a file SOP that reads files saved using the second approach I just described, would need mygeo.$F.`trunc(frac($FF)*10)`.bgeo as the GeometryFile parameter.

Mario Marengo
Senior Developer at Folks VFX [] in Toronto, Canada.
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Thanx Mario!

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