RSL and Apprentice

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Hi Guys,

Just wondering if its possible to use VOPs' RSL builder with 3Delight on Apprentice. I don't have prman at work :cry: , and would like to play around with shaders. If it is indeed possible, how do I set it up.

Max/Maya shop where I work and I feel like a lone cruisader in trying to get people to hop onto the houdini bandwagon. Man, what I wouldn't give to meet another Huser in my town, maybe someday… :wink:

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AFAIK no rman support of any kind in Apprentice, sorry.

John Coldrick
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reason I asked was coz houdini is looking for prman when I enter the RSL vop context

Oh well… guess I can live without it for now
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Why not just play with mantra instead?
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Oh mantra is just fine for everything I'd want to do with apptrentice, I was just curious. I'm also trying to show off houdini to management (albeit for selfish reasons- I “want” houdini) :wink:

Plus I'm using delight with liquid for maya tests, so it would be nice to exchange stuff with with maya

Btw, has anyone here used Martian Glue successfully, I'm very interested to know what thats like
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